Will Chiropractic Help Posture? 

Good posture is important for your overall well-being. But you may neglect it. If you have already developed bad posture, you may wish to correct it now. One solution you can think of is going to a chiropractor. But will chiropractic help your posture?

will chiropractic help poor posture

That’s what we’re going to find out in this post.

First, let’s explore the many reasons people develop bad posture.

Bad Posture as a Result of Pain

Your past injury may haunt you up to this day and it shows in your posture.

When you feel pain in your back, you may hold your body in a somewhat awkward position to overcome the pain. But if you continue this posture for a long time, though, you may carry it every day.

Your job can be another reason you have a bad posture. It’s especially true if you have a desk job that requires you to push your neck forward and hunch your shoulders.

These factors can easily contribute to keep your spine straight, resulting in poor posture.

But they’re not the only culprits. Your lifestyle and your fashion preference may also affect your posture.

Thankfully, though, you can correct it using different approaches.

And one method you can try is to go to a chiropractor.

Will Chiropractic Help Poor Posture? 

Chiropractic treatment can help in aligning your spine so it’ll go back to its proper position. In that case, it’ll correct your poor posture.

Spine adjustment, however, is a delicate procedure, considering that it tackles your spine. In that case, you need to go to an experienced chiropractor to undergo treatment to correct your posture.

The chiropractor must carry an updated license. This will ensure that your treatment is safe and effective.

During spinal adjustment to correct your posture, you have to lie in a certain position so the chiropractor can adjust your spine and improve areas where there is nerve disruption.

And this is one reason you’ll hear a popping sound.

Unfortunately, a chiropractic session can be expensive. And correcting your posture may require several sessions. The cost can add up easily.

A cheaper alternative is wearing a posture corrector. It won’t cost hundreds of dollars. One-piece will only cost you less than $10.

Can a Chiropractor Really Straighten Your Spine? 

If you have bad posture, chiropractic sessions can help to straighten your spine.

On the other hand, if you have scoliosis, which is an abnormal curvature of the spine, a chiropractor can be a great tool in treating it. But the misalignment may not be completely resolved.

However, a chiropractic session can stop the curvature from getting worse. It is also ideal for managing your symptoms, thereby, improving your quality of life.

The only way to straighten your spine is through surgery. But surgery is only advisable for patients with curves reaching more than 50 degrees.

On the other hand, a chiropractor can correct years of bad posture. But it requires several sessions.

Can You Correct Years of Bad Posture? 

If you have bad posture for years or decades, it can still be corrected. However, the fix will take a while.

A chiropractor may be able to resolve it.

However, if you want a cheaper alternative to correct years of bad posture, then you can opt for a posture corrector.

It’ll only cost you less than $10. You may visit our online shop to browse our collection of posture correctors.

Can a Chiropractor Fix Rounded Shoulders? 

planking to correct poor posture or rounded shouulders

Rounded shoulders are caused by years of poor posture habits. But they are also the result of muscle imbalances. If you focus too much on chest strengthening, then you may develop rounded shoulders.

But can this issue be fixed?


The first fix you can try is to do some strengthening exercises that focus on your core, upper back, and chest muscles. Exercises like these can help your rounded shoulders:

  • Chest stretches
  • Bridges
  • Plank
  • Pull-Ups

Another solution is to opt for a chiropractic session. It’ll be several sessions to fix this problem, though. It may take up to 12 weeks to see an improvement in your posture.

When you choose to wear a posture corrector, it can take a few months to see desired results.

You should not expect to see overnight results after years of bad posture habits. It takes a lot of time to build new muscle memory for long-term results.

However, if you start practicing good posture now, you should see desired results in no time.

Posture correction is an ongoing process. It doesn’t mean that after you have corrected your bad posture, you can stop practicing proper posture.

When you reach that goal of having good posture, you must be determined to maintain it that way.

If not, your bad posture will come back.

Wearing a posture corrector every day for at least 20 minutes a day will help you see results for a few months. But it can also take a year.

The key here is to wear it for a longer period every day. If you can wear it for more than 30 minutes, then expect to see desired results in a short period.

Many people who are using posture correctors reported noticing results in less than 14 days. But it depends on your body.

Is It Too Late to Correct Posture? 

It’s never too late to correct your bad posture. Even if you have bad posture for years or decades, it can still be corrected.

Then again, don’t expect overnight results.

Keep in mind that the body is designed to move. It can easily adapt to most activities. Even if you’re in your 50s, 60s, or 70s, your bad posture can be corrected.

But it takes a lot of work. You need to work to conditioning your body gradually.

You must regularly perform muscle strengthening to support and provide stability to your spinal column.

But you must allow yourself the time to rest and recover. Keep in mind that if they are overworked, you’re only increasing the risk of injury.


A chiropractor can help improve your poor posture. But it requires several sessions. It can be expensive over time. The cheaper alternative is to wear a posture corrector. And don’t forget to exercise to strengthen your core muscles.

To explore our posture correctors, visit our Posture Archives.

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